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File metadata and controls

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Pureport: pureport_accounts
Provides details about existing Pureport accounts.

Data Source: pureport_account

Example Usage

data "pureport_accounts" "empty" {

data "pureport_accounts" "name_regex" {
  filter {
    name = "Name"
    values = ["My Name.*"]

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • filter - (Optional) A filter used to scope the list e.g. by tags.
    • name - (Required) The name of the filter. The valid values are defined in the Pureport SDK Model. Nested values are supported. E.g.("Location.DisplayName")
    • values - (Required) The value of the filter. Currently only regex strings are supported.


The Pureport Account resource exports the following attributes:

  • accounts - The found list of accounts.

    • id - The unique identifier for the Pureport account.

    • href - The unique path reference to the Pureport account. This will be used by other resources to identify the account in most cases.

    • name - The name on the account.

    • description - The description of the account.

    • tags - A dictionary of user defined key/value pairs associated with this resource.

The Pureport Guide,