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Metalcloud: firewall rule
Represents a firewall rule that is applied on an instance array.


FirewallRules are a ACL-like rules that are applied on all instances of an instance array if the InstanceArray's instance_array_firewall_managed is set to True. It is part of an instance_array block.

The default rule is Deny all thus the FirewallRule system is a whitelist.

Example usage

The following rules allow access to SSH access only from the HQ and HTTPs traffic from anywhere:

resource "metalcloud_infrastructure" "foo" {
    instance_array {

         firewall_rule {
            firewall_rule_description = "allow ssh from HQ"
            firewall_rule_port_range_start = 22
            firewall_rule_port_range_end = 22

        firewall_rule {
            firewall_rule_description = "allow https traffic from anywhere"
            firewall_rule_port_range_start = 443
            firewall_rule_port_range_end = 443


firewall_rule_description (Optional, default null) - A human readable description of the rule firewall_rule_port_range_start (Optional, default null) The port range start of the firewall rule. When null, no ports are being taken into consideration when applying the firewall rule. firewall_rule_port_range_end (Optional, default null) The port range end of the firewall rule. When null, no ports are being taken into consideration when applying the firewall rule. firewall_rule_source_ip_address_range_start (Optional, default null) The IP address range start of the firewall rule. When null, no source IP address is taken into consideration when applying the firewall rule. firewall_rule_source_ip_address_range_end (Optional, default null) The IP address range end of the firewall rule. When null, no source IP address is taken into consideration when applying the firewall rule. firewall_rule_destination_ip_address_range_start (Optional, default null) The IP address range start of the firewall rule. When null, no destination IP address is taken into consideration when applying the firewall rule. firewall_rule_destination_ip_address_range_end (Optional, default null) The IP address range end of the firewall rule. When null, no destination IP address is taken into consideration when applying the firewall rule.

Setting destination rules is best avoided except in situations where the Instance is acting as a router. firewall_rule_protocol (Optional, default tcp ) The protocol of the firewall rule. Possible values: all, icmp, tcp, udp. firewall_rule_ip_address_type (Optional, default "ipv4") The IP address type of the firewall rule. Possible values: ipv4, ipv6 firewall_rule_enabled (Optional, default true) Specifies if the firewall rule will be applied or not.