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Provider: Hedvig
The Hedvig provider is used to interact with Hedvig resources. The provider needs to be configured with proper credentials and a working cluster before it can be used.

Hedvig Provider

The Hedvig provider is used to interact with Hedvig. The provider needs to be configured with the proper credentials on a working Hedvig cluster before it can be used.

Use the navigation to the left to read about the available resources.

Example Usage

// Configure the Hedvig provider
provider "hedvig" {
  username = "Example"
  password = "example"
  node = ""

// Create a new VDisk
resource "hedvig_vdisk" "example" {
  # ...

Configuration Reference

The following keys can be used to configure the provider.

  • username - The username used to log into a node of the cluster for resource creation.

  • password - The password that corresponds to the username used for logging into the cluster.

  • node - The node that will be used to connect to in the cluster that resources will be created on.