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Cohesity: cohesity_physical_edition_cluster
Create physical edition cluster, apply license key and destroy cluster.


Create physical edition cluster, apply license key and destroy cluster

Example Usage

provider "cohesity" {
        cluster_vip = ""
        cluster_username = "abcd"
        cluster_domain = "LOCAL"

resource "cohesity_virtual_edition_cluster" "physical"{
            cluster_name = "TerraformPhysicalEditionCluster"
            dns_servers = [""]
            ntp_servers = [""]
            domain_names = [""]
            cluster_subnet_mask = ""
            cluster_gateway = ""
            enable_encryption = true
            enable_fips_mode = true
            encryption_keys_rotation_period = 1
            metadata_fault_tolerance = 0
            virtual_ips = [""]
            ipmi_gateway = ""
            ipmi_subnet_mask = ""
            virtual_ip_hostname = "test"
            node_configs {
            node_configs {
            node_configs {

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • cluster_name - (Required, string) The name of the new Physical edition cluster
  • license_key - (Required, string) Cohesity license key to apply after cluster creation. This can also be read from PHYSICAL_COHESITY_CLUSTER_LICENSE_KEY environment variable
  • metadata_fault_tolerance - (Optional, int) The metadata fault tolerance. Default value is 0
  • enable_encryption - (Optional, bool) Specifies whether or not to enable encryption. If encryption is enabled, all data on the cluster will be encrypted. Default value is true
  • enable_fips_mode - (Optional, bool) Specifies whether or not to enable FIPS mode. This must be set to true in order to enable FIPS. Default value is true
  • encryption_keys_rotation_period - (Optional, int) The rotation period for encryption keys in days. The default value is 1
  • cluster_gateway - (Required, string) The default gateway IP address for the cluster network
  • cluster_subnet_mask - (Required, string) The subnet mask of the cluster network
  • domain_names - (Required, set of strings) The domain names to configure on the cluster
  • ntp_servers - (Required, set of strings) The NTP servers to configure on the cluster
  • dns_servers - (Required, set of strings) The DNS servers to configure on the cluster
  • virtual_ips - (Required, set of strings) The virtual IPs for the new cluster
  • operation_timeout - (Optional, int) The time to wait in minutes for cluster creation or destruction. The default value is 120 minutes
  • virtual_ip_hostname - (Required, string) The virtual IP hostname
  • ipmi_username - (Required, string) The IPMI username. This can also be read from PHYSICAL_COHESITY_CLUSTER_IPMI_USERNAME environment variable
  • ipmi_password - (Required, string) The IPMI password. This can also be read from PHYSICAL_COHESITY_CLUSTER_IPMI_PASSWORD environment variable
  • ipmi_gateway - (Required, string) The default gateway IP address for the IPMI network
  • ipmi_subnet_mask - (Required, string) The subnet mask for the IPMI network
  • node_configs - (Required, block) node_configs is a block within the configuration to configure the nodes in the cluster. The block can be repeated to configure multiple nodes in the cluster. Each block supports the following:
    • node_ip - (Required, string) IP address of the node
    • node_ipmi_ip - (Required, string) IPMI IP for this node

Attributes Reference

The following attributes are exported:

  • id - ID of the cluster